

Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School - 10:45AM

Board of Lay

The Board of Lay Ministry works to support the spiritual life of the congregation.  We assist with services and support the minister in her own personal & spiritual growth.  We arrange music leaders & accompanists, ushers, worship helpers & office assistance.  We work together with other boards to schedule & organize events throughout Bethlehem.

Members include:  Dustin Hoogendoorn, Kim Gayer, Marilyn Caswell, David Phipps, Jim Jensn, David Lantz

Board of Properties

The board of properties basic goal is the proper maintenance and repair of the church property.

Members include: Larry Van Roekel, Dianne Eiesland, Nate Cartmill, Aric Olson

Board of Stewardship

Board of Stewardship members are responsible to promote congregational members to give of their time, talents and treasurers to the church.  Board members are also responsible for the financial stability of the congregation by overseeing the General Fund Budget and Special Funds. 

 Members Include:      Cynthia  Haugland, Cindy Van Voorst, Dan Bruggeman, Dan Moen, Steve Ahrendt, Tom Rentschler

Board of Evangelism

The board of evangelism's job is to bring  the Gospel to the  unchurched, try to involve all of God's people in the work of the spreading of the Gospel.  They also deepen the  faith and activity of the members of the congregation, and proper soul-accounting at all times.  

Members include:  Sandy Lantz, Rhonda Jensen, Pam Hanson,  Barb Pedersen, Lori Ahrendt, Kaitlyn VanBeek, Sue Kippley

Board of Education

The Board of Christian Education objectives are to plan and administer the total educational program of the congregation, to determine policies, to select personnel for the various agencies, and to direct and supervise the entire educational program of the congregation.

Activities to achieve these goals include but are not exclusive to planning/organizing youth Sunday school with the Sunday school superintendent, assist with organizing adult bible studies, and assist and encourage bible camp (youth and adult). Encouraging church team building activities such as Christmas program, youth member partnerships with fellowship village, service projects, and fellowship opportunities also help facilitate learning and building relationships. The board consists of 6 members who meet monthly.

Members include:  Becky Berenschot, Michelle Kippley, Liza Bruggeman, Deb Van Roekel, DJ Cartmill, Megan Blankespoor

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